Environment, Quality and Safety

The commitment to assure quality services to customers and the need to standardize administrative and productive processes, led PRF to implement, in 1999, a Quality Management System (NP EN ISO 9001), properly certified since 2002.

Aware that the focus on improving the Safety, Hygiene and Health conditions of employees, as well as the concern to defend the interests of the Environment are, in addition to differentiation instruments in the business world, essential values for the sustainability of the company, PRF has over the years implemented several procedures in these areas, advancing in 2011 with the "Certification of Environmental Management Systems" and "Safety, Hygiene and Health at Work".

Both Systems’ implementation process began in 2011, having received the Certification for NP EN ISO 14001 (Environment) and OSHAH 18001 (Health and Safety) references in November 2012. This certification is the result of the Company’s strong commitment towards continuous improvement, as described in PRF’s Corporate Policy, based on the following pillars:

  • Meet customers and shareholders’ needs;
  • Comply with both legal and corporate applicable requirements and compliance obligations including Security Information Requirements;
  • Commit to protect environmental protection including pollution prevention;
  • Commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions, for the prvention of injuries and health-related affections
  • Commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks for occupational safety and health
  • Continuously improve the Integrated Management Systems efficiency and environmental and safety and health at work performance;
  • Commitment to workers consultation and participation;
  • Create value.

The focus on Environmental and Safety Certification is perceived as a strategic option for Company’s growth, however, most importantly, PRF believes this strategy will allow all shareholders (employees, customers, suppliers, the society in general) to be aware and confident of the Company’s Environmental and Safety best practices performance.